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Hydro-turbine main shaft axial seals
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Understanding Hydro

Understanding Hydro-Turbine Main Shaft Axial Seals: Design Principles and Challenges

understanding of the key mechanical components and maintenance materials that keep a hydropower station running efficiently. self-lubricated wicket gate bushings, maintenance-free bushings, frictionless bushings

Hydro-turbines are critical to converting water’s mechanical energy into electricity, and a crucial component within these massive systems is the main shaft axial seal. The primary function of this seal is to control the flow of water around the rotating shaft. While in theory, a perfectly sealed system would eliminate leakage, this is not economically feasible for large-scale turbines. The design priority is therefore to limit leakage to an acceptable level, balancing cost with performance. 

Axial seals are particularly favored for large turbines with medium to high head, typically when shaft diameters are exceeding 1000 mm, and operating under harsh conditions. These axial seals must resist abrasive particles in the water and handle high rubbing velocities without deteriorating. The challenge is amplified by the size of these seals, as achieving a perfect sealing surface flatness, like in smaller mechanical seals, is impractical and prohibitively expensive. 

In contrast, axial seals, also known as mechanical or face seals, are better suited for high-pressure, large-scale applications. The key innovation in recent years has been the use of elastomeric polymer materials, such as Thordon SXL, to replace traditional carbon-based seals. Elastomeric polymers offer several advantages: they are non-brittle, highly resistant to abrasion, and provide a longer service life in abrasive environments. Moreover, they are more economical and easier to manufacture in large sizes compared to carbon. 

Axial Seal Design Principles for Hydro-Turbines

Mechanical Seals for turbine, turbine hydrodynamic sealing

The principle behind axial turbine shaft seals lies in managing leakage while maintaining mechanical stability. In small systems, the sealing surfaces are machined to extreme flatness, but this is impossible for large hydro-turbines. Instead of aiming for microscopic flatness, axial seals for turbines feature macroscopic waves on the sealing surface. This undulation helps create a hydrodynamic film, reducing friction but allowing some leakage. As the turbine operates, the sealing surfaces undergo “commissioning wear,” where they gradually flatten and develop into continuous contact surfaces over time. 

A key point is that complete sealing is not feasible due to the dynamic nature of turbine operation. The seals must constantly adapt to changes in pressure, temperature, and even the geological movement of the equipment. Additionally, some level of leakage is necessary to remove frictional heat, preventing the seal from overheating. The leakage rate is determined by a variety of factors, including the seal’s size, surface finish, and the presence of water-borne abrasives. 

Factors Affecting Axial Seal Performance

Larger seals are prone to increased unevenness due to machining tolerances and deformation caused by fasteners and springs.
Surface Finish
Elastomeric polymer seals cannot be machined to a perfectly smooth finish, often exhibiting surface roughness that contributes to leakage.
Thermal Expansion and Water Swell
Polymers are more susceptible to thermal expansion and water absorption, leading to localized deformation that must be accounted for in the design.
Centrifugal Force
The operation of the turbine generates centrifugal forces that can either aid or hinder leakage, depending on the direction of the flow.
Wear and Static Leakage Paths
As seals wear over time, unevenness in the surface creates dynamic conditions that influence the balance between leakage and frictional heat removal.

Conclusion: Balancing Leakage Control and Performance

Although leakage cannot be entirely prevented, with careful design and material selection, elastomeric polymer axial seals can control leakage within acceptable limits. Records show leakage rates can be achieved from 10 to 90 L/min depending on shaft size, turbine pressure, and operating conditions. 

As we’ve explored, the design and functionality of hydro-turbine axial seals are critical for controlling leakage and ensuring efficient operation. However, while understanding the principles behind these seals is important, the real value comes from choosing the right materials to meet the demands of large-scale turbines.

Understanding Hydro-Turbine Main Shaft Axial Seals: Design Principles and Challenges

In the next post, we’ll dive deeper into the advantages of using elastomeric polymer seals, particularly the innovative Thordon SXL, and how this material is transforming turbine performance. Stay tuned to discover why elastomeric polymers are becoming the go-to solution for modern hydro-turbine systems!